Approaches to the control of sexually transmitted infections in developing countries: onetime problems and modern challenges



  1. P Mayaud,
  2. D Mabey
  1. London Schoolhouse of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr P Mayaud
 Clinical Research Unit, Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT, Uk; kingdom of great britain and northern ireland


Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) found a huge health and economic burden for developing countries: 75–85% of the estimated 340 meg annual new cases of curable STIs occur in these countries, and STIs account for 17% economical losses because of sick health. The importance of STIs has been more widely recognised since the advent of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and in that location is good evidence that the control of STIs can reduce HIV transmission. The main interventions which could reduce the incidence and prevalence of STIs include master prevention (data, education and communication campaigns, condom promotion, use of safe microbicides, and vaccines), screening and case finding among vulnerable groups (for example, pregnant women), STI case direction using the syndromic approach, targeted interventions for populations at high risk (for instance, sex workers), and in some circumstances (targeted) periodic mass treatment. The challenge is not merely to develop new interventions, but to identify barriers to the implementation of existing tools, and to devise strategies for ensuring that effective STI control programmes are implemented in the future.

  • sexually transmitted infections
  • sexually transmitted diseases
  • developing countries
  • public wellness

Statistics from

  • sexually transmitted infections
  • sexually transmitted diseases
  • developing countries
  • public health

This paper reviews the extent of the burden of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in developing countries, with a focus on Africa, and the main strategies that tin can be used in STI control programmes. We present some of the evidence of the touch and (cost) effectiveness of central STI interventions that have been used in developing countries. We did not intend to perform a systematic review of STI interventions just, rather, decided to include relevant studies and trials that could best illustrate key control strategies in various parts of the world. We first conducted a search of Medline with no engagement restriction with the key words "sexually transmitted infections" (or diseases) and "interventions" and "developing countries." We consulted the Cochrane Library for randomised trials on STI and relevant topics (for case, partner notification). Nosotros made use of WHO publications on HIV and STI, existing systematic reviews, and our ain personal libraries.


The World Wellness System (WHO) estimates that approximately 340 1000000 new cases of the 4 main curable STIs (gonorrhoea, chlamydial infection, syphilis, and trichomoniasis) occur every year, 75–85% of them in developing countries (fig one).ane STIs impose an enormous burden of morbidity and mortality in developing countries, both directly through their impact on reproductive and child health, and indirectly through their part in facilitating the sexual transmission of HIV infection. The loftier prevalence of STIs has contributed to the disproportionately loftier HIV incidence and prevalence in Africa. Conversely, HIV may have contributed to some extent to STI increases, especially of viral agents such equally herpes simplex virus (responsible for genital canker) or human papillomaviruses (some strains existence responsible for genital warts, others for cervical, anal, or penile cancers). The greatest impact is on women and infants. The World Bank has estimated that STIs, excluding HIV, are the second commonest cause of good for you life years lost past women in the 15–44 historic period group in Africa, responsible for some 17% of the total burden of disease.2

Systematic and comprehensive STI surveillance is almost non-existent in developing countries. Virtually epidemiological data have been obtained from prevalence studies, and from sentinel surveillance sites in a few countries. Prevalence surveys endure from the disparity of population groups surveyed, which have included university students, antenatal clinic attenders, STI dispensary attenders, and sex workers. As an instance, table one summarises the results of a number of prevalence surveys conducted in sub-Saharan Africa. Until the 1990s there were few information from rural communities, but big community based studies conducted in Tanzania and Republic of uganda in contempo years have provided a wealth of data on STI incidence and prevalence.three– vi Some reasons for the loftier prevalence and incidence of STIs in developing countries are shown in box 1

Table 1

Prevalence of STIs and RTIs (reproductive tract infections) amidst women in sub-Saharan Africa in the 1980s and 1990s

Box one Factors underlying the high prevalence of STIs in developing countries

  • Demographic factors (a big young population which is sexually agile)

  • Urban migration with accompanying sociocultural changes

  • Migration and displacement (labour, wars, natural catastrophes)

  • Increase in levels of prostitution through economic hardship

  • Multiple and concurrent sexual partnerships

  • Lack of access to effective and affordable STI services

  • High prevalence of antimicrobial resistance for some pathogens


According to the WHO and UNAIDS,seven STI control programmes take three objectives:

  • to interrupt the transmission of STIs;

  • to forbid the development of diseases, complications, and sequelae; and

  • to reduce the transmission of HIV infection.

Health teaching and prophylactic promotion tin modify behaviour, and hence reduce the incidence of STIs. Screening, instance finding, improved access to intendance, and improved case direction can prevent complications, and as well reduce transmission, past shortening the duration of infection. Mass or targeted presumptive periodic treatments attempt to bypass the need for treatment seeking, since STIs are oftentimes asymptomatic, with the aim to reduce incidence by reducing the pool of infected individuals, in populations with high STI prevalence or incidence.

Key messages

  • STIs institute a huge wellness and economic brunt for developing countries: 75–85% of the 340 million annual new cases of curable STIs occur in these countries; STIs business relationship for 17% economic losses caused by ill health in fifteen–44 year sometime women

  • STI example direction using the syndromic approach is a feasible, adaptable, and cost constructive arroyo; it works best for the management of genital ulcer disease and urethral discharge in men

  • Community randomised trials in Uganda and Tanzania have shown that STI case management tin can reduce STI prevalence and incidence in the community, and this in plough can assist reduce HIV incidence in settings where curable STIs are highly prevalent

  • Simpler and cheaper betoken of intendance screening tools are urgently required

  • STI command tin can merely be achieved past a combination of interventions, backed by stiff political and financial commitment

Primary prevention of STI

Behavioural interventions

Primary prevention aims to modify sexual behaviour in many ways: past encouraging delayed onset of sexual debut, sexual abstinence and mutually true-blue sexual relationships, too as past promoting "safer sexual activity," which include the reduction of the number of sexual partners, the adoption of "safer" sexual practices such every bit non-penetrative genital contacts, and finally by promoting the right apply of condoms. This is achieved through information, educational activity and communication (IEC), or peer assisted education programmes. It is particularly important in adolescents, as they often take high rates of STI, just are at the same time more likely to change their behaviour. Interventions targeting individuals often rely on the "rational wellness belief model," which is based on the assumption that an individual has the power to make necessary changes. Yet, in many instances, drugs, poverty, or gender can diminish an individual's ability to act on his/her intentions.viii Few rigorous studies have evaluated the bear upon of behavioural interventions on STIs and HIV,9, 10 and disappointingly take shown that reported changes in behaviour accept not always been reflected in changes in STI incidence or prevalence.11, 12 However, changes in sexual behaviour evidenced by increased delays in first sex and reduction of the number of partners account for some of the almost impressive reductions in HIV prevalence and incidence rates observed in Uganda, although their concomitant bear on on STIs has not been measured.13

Barrier methods

When used properly and consistently, condoms are one of the about effective methods of protection confronting HIV and STIs.14 They can be made readily available on a large scale through costless distribution or social marketing, which uses marketing techniques to make these commodities available at affordable prices. In Thailand, the 100% condom programme, which has been promoting 100% use of condoms in commercial sex establishments, overcame many cultural and logistical barriers traditionally associated with condoms. The programme has been linked to increased adoption of safer sexual activity measures, and concomitant subtract in reported STI rates and HIV prevalence amidst Thai military recruitsfifteen and a decrease in the number of men attention STI clinics nationwide.16 However, despite considerable efforts by numerous agencies, and an overall increment in safety sales over the past decade, merely a small proportion of the sexually active population in many countries use condoms; and those who practice may do so irregularly and but with selected partners. Barriers to consequent use of condoms include high price, depression availability, and inadequate marketing.14 Women may also be forced into unprotected intercourse as a upshot of unequal power relations between sexes.

Female controlled methods of STI prevention

STIs disproportionately impact women and, in particular, adolescent women are at increased gamble, because of ignorance of appropriate preventative measures, and unplanned or forced sexual intercourse where it may be hard or impractical to negotiate safer sexual practice. Female person controlled methods of protection are therefore badly needed. These could include female person condoms and vaginal microbicide compounds. Unfortunately, both types of methods have proved rather disappointing or of limited apply. The female condom has of import advantages such as efficacy, safety and, in some areas, increasing acceptance by women. All the same, disadvantages include high cost, lack of visual and auditory appeal, difficulty of utilise, pre-planning of intercourse, and mixed reactions among male partners.17 Vaginal microbicides take been under development since the early 1990s. A detergent based chemical (nonoxynol 9, or N-nine) with virucidal and bactericidal activity raised initial hopes, just eventually proved disappointing for HIV prevention.xviii Some compounds are not e'er reliably effective against STIs, and at that place is likewise concern that repeated utilise can disrupt the vaginal epithelium and really make users more susceptible to infections. All the same, a number of new and safer compounds are currently under development and should be carefully evaluated.xix


Safe and effective vaccines would potentially considerably simplify the task of STI control programme managers. Unfortunately, hepatitis B is the only potentially sexually transmissible pathogen for which an effective vaccine is currently available,twenty although recent written report of an efficacious vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) is skillful news.21 The repeated failure to develop protective vaccines against canker simplex virus has been particularly disappointing, although one large US study has shown protective efficacy against HSV-2 acquisition in the subgroup of women who were initially HSV-1 seronegative.22 A larger trial purposely targeting this population subgroup is under manner, although the relevance for developing countries where HSV-1 infection is quasi-universal at immature age is uncertain. Even assuming availability of skilful products, the practicalities of implementing vaccination programmes in the developing earth would exist formidable, not to mention the acceptability to the target populations and the outcome of parental consent, in cases of vaccines that should be provided earlier entry into sexual life. Moreover, information technology could be feared that post-immunisation behaviour modify, fuelled by a feeling of perceived invulnerability, could paradoxically increase the prevalence of STI for which a vaccine would not be readily available—for instance, HIV.

Screening and instance finding

Universal serological testing of antenatal clinic attenders for syphilis is recommended by the WHO and is one of the about toll effective wellness interventions available, although programmes are poorly implemented in many countries.23, 24 Uncomplicated, point of care tests for syphilis, in a dipstick format, are now commercially available. Although currently more expensive than the rapid plasma regain (RPR) exam, they are simpler to perform, and some do not require separation of serum. They have been shown to be highly sensitive and specific.25

Blood donors should be screened for at least hepatitis, syphilis, and HIV to protect recipients, and it may be possible to screen populations such as military machine recruits and visitor employees. In all cases, careful attention should be paid to patient confidentiality, counselling, and handling.

There is an urgent demand for simple and cheap diagnostic tests to identify women with asymptomatic or poorly symptomatic cervical infections, in club to avert sequelae and reduce transmission. These should include women undergoing transcervical procedures (such as insertion of intrauterine devices in family planning, or uterine curettage in ballgame clinics), or pregnant women, at risk of transmitting infections to their babies. Other vulnerable or loftier frequency transmitter groups such as adolescents and sex workers might also do good from regular screening or case detection.26 A WHO advocated simple sociodemographic risk score which identifies women at greater risk of infection has been tried but it has a poor sensitivity and predictive value.27, 28 The STD Diagnostic Initiative led by the WHO is promoting the evolution of rapid point of care (POC) tests and their evaluation in developing land settings.26 A recent modelling exercise supports the use of POC tests with even moderate performance in terms of sensitivity and specificity (around fifty%) in situations where the delay in treatment would issue in significant STI transmission.29

Promotion of appropriate treatment seeking behaviour and the role of the private sector

Surveys of health seeking behaviour in developing countries betoken that a substantial proportion of people with symptomatic STIs seek treatment in the informal or private sector, from traditional healers, unqualified practitioners, street drug vendors, and from pharmacists and private practitioners, and they will merely attend formal public wellness services afterward alternative treatments have failed.30 Self medication is also popular in many settings.30– 32 Patients seek intendance in the private sector for many reasons, including their greater accessibility and convenience, and the more confidential, less judgmental, and less stigmatising nature of the services.

Objective quality of care in the individual sector is however hard to assess considering of the range of services offered and the difficulty in accessing practitioners for researchers. A report of individual doctors in South Africa showed that fewer than one in x patients received acceptable doses of antibiotics and in 75% of cases an wrong drug was prescribed.33 Likewise, only 11% of pharmacy workers in the Republic of the gambia correctly cited the appropriate management of urethral belch according to national guidelines, and less than 5% provided adequate handling to "mystery shoppers," despite stocking some of the required drugs. None of the cases of pelvic inflammatory disease or genital ulcers was adequately treated.34

It is possible to improve private sector management of STIs in developing countries. In Jamaica, seminars for public and private physicians and nurses led to an increase in noesis concerning STI diagnosis. Virtually practitioners reported an increase in risk reduction counselling.35 Like training for pharmacists in Nepal showed an increase of 45% in the correct syndromic treatment of urethritis. This figure dropped to 26% 9 months afterwards the training, indicating the need for continued grooming and supervision.36 A study in Lima, Republic of peru, using "mystery shoppers" for the evaluation of an intervention targeting pharmacists, showed improved recognition of male STI syndromes and a meaning increase in counselling, simply trained pharmacists still failed to recognise syndromes in women and provided ineffective treatment regimens.37

Another strategy to increase constructive treatment of STIs is the use of pre-packaged therapy for syndromic treatment. A team in Uganda developed the "Articulate Seven" kit for the direction of men with urethral discharge. The kit contains ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, condoms, partner referral cards and an instruction leaflet, and was socially marketed at clinics, pharmacies, and retail drug shops. The written report plant that "Clear Vii" users versus controls had significantly higher self reported cure rates (84% v 47%), greater compliance (93% v 87%), and increased rubber utilize during handling (36% v eighteen%). Partner referral rates were like for both groups (39 and 37%).38

The private sector should exist viewed as a complement to, and not a replacement for, constructive and accessible public services. The views of government health authorities and the medical community should exist considered when attempting to stimulate effective collaboration betwixt the two sectors.

STI instance direction

Early diagnosis and effective treatment of STIs is an essential component of STI control programmes.vii Syndromic example direction is an approach based on the recognition of STI associated syndromes (easily identifiable group of symptoms and clinical findings), followed by treatment targeting the common causes of the syndrome. Management is simplified by the employ of clinical flowcharts and standardised prescriptions. The approach is particularly suited to settings where diagnostic facilities will exist either defective or unreliable. Moreover, syndromic management leads to immediate treatment, and does not rely on the patient returning for results. Information technology has proved generally to be cost effective, except for the management of women with cervical infections, in whom this simplified arroyo is neither sensitive nor specific.39, 40 The advantages and disadvantages of syndromic direction are shown in tabular array ii.

Table two

Advantages and disadvantages of syndromic management of STIs

Syndromic direction guidelines need to be adapted for local use, depending on the prevalent causes of the common syndromes, and the antimicrobial susceptibility of local isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Haemophilus ducreyi. A laboratory is needed to monitor these parameters, which may modify chop-chop.41

Partner notification and management

Partner notification and management "comprises those public wellness activities in which sexual partners of individuals with STI are notified, informed of their exposure and offered treatment and support services."seven Partner management aims to reduce the prevalence of asymptomatic infection, and to shorten the average period of infectiousness. This in turn is expected to reduce affliction transmission. Notwithstanding, while bacterial STIs can be identified and cured, thus breaking the chain of transmission, viral STIs such equally HSV-2 and HIV are incurable, and the rationale for partner direction is less clear. In the context of syndromic direction, it is fifty-fifty more than difficult to make up one's mind which partners should be treated, and for what. The nearly practical arroyo has been to give the same treatment as for the index case, merely this volition obviously upshot in over-prescription of antibiotics, especially in the example of partners of women with vaginal belch, most of whom do not take an STI. In such circumstances, partner notification could potentially atomic number 82 to serious social and physical consequences for the female person index case.42

Partners may be reached actively (or "traced") by health providers, or invited to clinics through provision of a "notification" slip to be remitted by the index example. While strongly recommended by STI experts equally an integral component of STI control,7 little work has been done to appraise the effectiveness of partner notification strategies,43 and their touch on on reducing the prevalence and incidence of STIs in developing countries has never been properly demonstrated.42, 43

Targeted interventions and periodic presumptive treatment

Targeted interventions are based on the concept of "core groups"—that is, groups of individuals who have much higher rates of sexual partnerships, and thus may be more likely to acquire and transmit STIs. These core groups and their sexual partners—who form "bridging populations" with the general population—have been shown to be epidemiologically important in driving the STI and HIV epidemics in many parts of the earth.44, 45 Core groups are context specific and when designing interventions it is of import to take account of the social and economical forces creating the groups, and to balance disease command measures against the potential for victimisation. Several comprehensive sexual health interventions targeted at cadre groups have been conducted in developing countries and accept demonstrated good impact on the STI and HIV rates among the target populations,46– 49 and sometimes amongst their partners.15, 45

A successful cadre group intervention in a Southward African mining community provided STI treatment services, including periodic (monthly) presumptive handling with azithromycin, and prevention educational activity to a grouping of female sexual activity workers living around the mine. The intervention significantly reduced the prevalence of North gonorrhoeae and C trachomatis and genital ulcer affliction (GUD) amid the high risk women in the short term. Symptomatic STIs were also reduced amongst the miners in the intervention area compared to miners living farther away.50 It is non clear, however, how long such interventions should be sustained, equally STIs go quickly re-established in these highly exposed populations.51 Interestingly, a targeted mass treatment programme with azithromycin during a syphilis outbreak in Vancouver, Canada, resulted in a transient subtract of cases for 6 months followed by a rebound effect,52 a reminder that, even though viable, such interventions should non be done routinely and merely with caution.

Mass treatment

Mass handling with penicillin was highly successful in the control of non-venereal treponematoses in the 1950s and 1960s.53 It has proved less effective in decision-making STIs among the more than mobile populations of developing countries in the 1990s.

A community randomised trial in the Rakai District of Uganda5 assessed the touch on prevalence and incidence of HIV and STI of single dose oral treatment of all adult community members with azithromycin, ciprofloxacin and metronidazole, combined with a unmarried intramuscular penicillin injection for all participants with serological syphilis. Mass treatment was delivered every ten months at the household level. After two rounds, the prevalence of serological syphilis was significantly lower in the intervention communities (five.half dozen%) than in the comparison communities (6.8%). The prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis infection in women was besides significantly lower in the intervention communities (ix.3% five fourteen.iv%). There was, however, no significant departure in the prevalence of other STIs.v

Mathematical modelling suggests, however, that single or multiple rounds of mass treatment combined with continuous availability of syndromic direction could be an effective STI and HIV control strategy for many countries.54 The comparative advantages of mass handling and continuous provision of syndromic treatment could be determined through randomised controlled trials with STI services as standard provision in the control group.55

Private, community and targeted intervention strategies, and structural approaches

An important consideration in STI control is to make up one's mind on strategies that target the private, the customs, or special groups of individuals at higher risk of, or more vulnerable to, STIs. Clearly, a number of strategies target the private such every bit screening, case management, and partner notification; while community strategies volition include mostly primary prevention activities, such as behavioural change and communication (BCC) campaigns, or vaccination programmes. Interventions targeted at individuals may fail to place or influence behaviours of people who do not identify themselves with the target group. On the other paw, although general population or community measures evangelize a less intensive dose of intervention to each individual, it is distributed beyond a large population that includes many individuals at low hazard56 Clearly, HIV/STI control programmes need a mix of individual and full general population interventions.8, 56– 58 The claiming is how best to use and combine them and how to make sure policy and political support assist to alter the social or concrete surroundings in which adventure takes identify.

Structural factors relating to the economic, social, policy, organisational, or other aspects of the environs may deed equally barriers or facilitators of HIV/STI prevention.58, 59 For case, restrictive policies about prostitution volition hamper interventions targeting sex workers; sociocultural environments which promote homophobia or deny sexual health information to adolescents volition foreclose admission of these vulnerable populations to appropriate sexual health services, or may encourage underground risk taking. On the other hand, economic empowerment of women, or other structural interventions may provide a more sustainable ways of HIV/STI control by strengthening the power of communities to assistance individuals reduce their risk.8, 58, 59

Impact of community based interventions on STI rates, including HIV, in developing countries

3 large scale randomised community based STI intervention trials have been conducted in east Africa. They provide some of the best empirical evidence of the impact of diverse STI intervention strategies in developing countries. A summary of STI incidence or prevalence outcomes in these trials is presented in table 3. Improved STI case management using the syndromic approach offered at primary healthcare facilities in Mwanza, Tanzania, reduced the incidence of HIV in the surrounding populations past nearly 40%,60 every bit well as reducing the prevalence and incidence of some primal STIs.4 Even so, this consequence was non seen in Rakai, Uganda, where periodic mass treatment did not bear on on HIV acquisition rates, and only moderately on some of the STI rates.5 Initially it was idea that perhaps the difference in findings from these two trials was related in some way to differences in intervention type.55 However, recent findings from a 3 arm community based intervention trial in Masaka, Uganda, establish that intensive information, teaching, and counselling (IEC) with (arm A) or without (arm B) improved STI syndromic direction at primary healthcare centres too did not take an effect on HIV seroconversion rates compared to control communities (arm C). However, this trial demonstrated meaning reductions in the prevalence and incidence of bacterial STIs in the syndromic treatment armhalf-dozen (tabular array three). These contrasting findings led to confusion over the office of STI control for HIV prevention. A detailed re analysis of the data from these three trials confirmed that it was differences in the populations rather than differences in the interventions which led to the different outcomes. The populations differed in sexual behaviour as well equally in the prevalence of curable STIs, with much college rates of bacterial infections in Tanzania.61

Table 3

Summary of HIV and STI results in the 3 east African STI randomised community trials (differences in risk ratios (Rakai), rate ratios (Masaka) or relative risks (Mwanza) between intervention and comparison groups at follow up)


Integration of STI prevention and care in reproductive health services and in HIV/AIDS control programmes

There is broad agreement on the demand to integrate STI services into reproductive health services. The rationale is that, in some settings, reproductive health programmes are already high profile, and well attended, and could concenter additional funds necessary for STI treatment. Moreover, integrated services could reach a wide female population. It has been suggested that at a minimum, STI/HIV risk assessment and prevention services should be provided in all maternal and family unit planning clinics, and that integrated services should also include syphilis testing and treatment for all pregnant women attention antenatal services.23 Integration of STI and reproductive health services tin can miss a key target group—men. This is of import as men, because of sexual behaviour and increased mobility, are at higher risk, initially, of contracting STIs; and, once infected, their clinical management is simpler than that of women. Investigators in Bangladesh found that there was a substantial unmet demand for STI services for men and that in improver there was a demand for other reproductive and psychosexual services.62

At the programme level, however, experience from several countries suggests that STI control programmes are probably best integrated within HIV/AIDS programmes to provide greater synergy, since both programmes share a number of control strategies from behavioural interventions to safety programming, and interventions targeted at loftier risk groups which would not usually be reached by conventional reproductive health services.

The irresolute epidemiology of STI

Additional challenges to STI control include the capacity of pathogens to develop resistance to antimicrobials, and the rapid emergence of some pathogens—for example, herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), as pregnant causes of morbidity and important cofactors of HIV transmission.

Global antimicrobial resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae

In almost developing countries, a high proportion of isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae are resistant to mutual antibiotics such equally penicillin, tetracycline or cotrimoxazole (fig 2).63 In order to provide constructive treatment and foreclose the transmission of resistant isolates, regimens need to be tailored to the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in the locality. This in turn requires data on patterns of antimicrobial susceptibility. Many industrialised countries have programmes for N gonorrhoeae surveillance, merely continuous susceptibility data have been lacking in about developing countries. This trouble has been approached past the institution of a global surveillance network—the gonococcal antimicrobial susceptibility programme (GASP), coordinated by WHO.63

The emergence of HSV-2 and the changing pattern of genital ulcer aetiologies

In countries where syphilis and chancroid were endemic, HSV-2 has traditionally been idea to be relatively less important as an aetiological agent of genital ulcer disease (GUD). This pattern is changing however.64 Recent studies have found that, while GUD attributable to HSV-2 infection is increasing, that acquired by bacteria is decreasing in many areas. HSV-2 now typically represents forty–l% of detectable GUD aetiologies (fig 3). One consequence is that it may exist necessary to revise the WHO guidelines for syndromic management of GUD to include anti-HSV treatment. Furthermore, prospective studies have shown that antecedent HSV-2 infection markedly increases the charge per unit of HIV acquisition65– 67 and/or manual in serodiscordant couples.68 Because of the high incidence and prevalence of HSV-ii in many developing countries, effective interventions targeting HSV-2 are urgently needed. Several trials evaluating the feasibility and bear on of episodic or suppressive handling with acyclovir in terms of HIV conquering and/or transmission are planned.69

Mobilising policy, priority setting, chapters building, and multisectoral approaches

The failure to control STIs in the past was non solely the result of antibody resistance or any emergent organisms, but simply the issue of lack of political will to invest in appropriate control measures, scaling them up, and/or sustaining them. Many governments are reluctant to confront the STI and HIV epidemics and in many instances countries fail to prioritise activities in the face of severe financial and administrative constraints.70 There are problems in the constructive implementation of control programmes considering STIs are not merely biological and medical problems, but also behavioural, social, political, and economic problems—many facets that have not been adequately addressed in the past. This realisation is slowly translating into more comprehensive approaches to STI control involving several disciplines and will crave a multisectoral approach. However, there is an inherent contradiction with this arroyo, since spreading resource beyond programmes in many sectors risks stretching already scarce resources with negligible or fifty-fifty negative impact. An alternative arroyo for policy makers would exist to implement a smaller, core set of interventions on a national scale and in this style provide a foundation for expansion of activities.70 It is besides essential to build national capacity in areas that interact synergistically with STI case direction to create an effective and sustainable approach to STI control. Training in all areas is essential and this needs to take place in a policy environment which enables managers to advocate policy changes which can improve and sustain the national capacity to implement an constructive STI control programme.


The importance of STIs has been more than widely recognised since the appearance of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and in that location is good testify that their control can reduce HIV transmission. Although many cost constructive tools such as condoms, effective drugs, and the syndromic approach to case management are already available for STI command, there is an urgent need for research into more interventions such as vaginal microbicides, vaccines, and behaviour change.

The essential components of the public wellness bundle recommended by the WHO for STI prevention and care71 are presented in box 2.

Box ii Public health package for STI control: the fundamental elements

  • Promotion of safer sexual behaviour and main prevention

  • Condom programming—full range of activities from condom promotion to supply and distribution

  • Promotion of appropriate healthcare seeking behaviour

  • Integration of STI prevention and intendance into principal wellness care, reproductive healthcare facilities, individual clinics, and others

  • Comprehensive STI case management (using syndromic approach)

  • Specific services for populations at high risk—such as female person and male sex workers, adolescents, migrant populations, uniformed forces, and prisoners

  • Prevention and care of congenital syphilis and neonatal conjunctivitis

  • Early detection of symptomatic and asymptomatic infections

(Adapted from UNAIDS71)

These recommendations remain valid several years subsequently such a package was first promoted, as few developing countries widely implement even the minimum component of comprehensive STI case management. Possible reasons for this are shown in box iii.

Box 3 Reasons why STI control programmes ofttimes fail in developing countries

  • Low priority for policy makers and planners in allocating resources considering STI are perceived to effect from discreditable behaviour

  • Failure to recognise the magnitude of the problem in the population

  • Failure to associate the diseases with serious complications and sequelae

  • Command efforts concentrated on symptomatic patients (usually men) and failing to place asymptomatic individuals (commonly women) until complications develop

  • Lack of simple screening tests for cervical infections that could be used to screen women attending family planning, antenatal, or maternal and child health clinics

  • Service delivery through specialised STI healthcare facilities which provide inadequate coverage and tend to confer stigma

  • Treatment strategies focused on unrealistic requirements for definitive diagnosis rather than on practical decision making

  • Ineffective depression toll antibiotics continuing to be used for reasons of economy

  • Little emphasis on educational and other efforts to prevent infection occurring in the start place, specially among adolescents in and out of school

  • Absence of authoritative guidance on a rational, practical, and well defined package of activities for prevention and care programmes

  • Lack of attention to structural issues which impact on STI transmission: poverty, literacy, conflict, repression of homosexuality and prostitution, societal attitudes to marginalised communities

The most pressing need at present is to notice the reasons behind the failure to human activity on these recommendations, and to devise strategies for ensuring that effective STI control programmes are implemented in future. More information is as well required on the cost effectiveness of the various activities recommended, to enable programme managers to set bear witness based priorities; and operational research is needed to establish the all-time fashion to implement many of them on a large plenty calibration to aid make a deviation.


Both authors have contributed entirely to the preparation of this manuscript.


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